Monday, August 15, 2011

I've lost 53 pounds in 22 days!!!

Wow!!  I can't believe it!!  It is now the end of day 22 of my 92 day juice fast.  I feel incredible!!!  I have lost a total of 53 pounds and I have more energy now than I ever have.  This is my first post.  I just decided that I want to write about whats happening to my mind and body.  Juicing is healing my body.  It is my hope that writing will help me with some emotional healing.

Whoa!!  Maybe I should tell you about myself and my situation.  I have taught music for the past 20 years.  I currently teach in the Kansas City area at a local elementary school.  I have an incredible 12 year old son and two awesome dogs.  Up til about 3 1/2 years ago, I was a high impact step aerobics instructor at the local Golds Gym.  I had been teaching aerobics off and on for 10 years leading up to that time.  I have always struggled with my weight.  I am 6 foot 2 inches with an extra large frame.  I have never, in my whole entire life been the suggested weight for my height.  They suggest that I weigh 198-202.  The closest I ever came to that was 275 pounds in college.  I was only able to stay that weight for maybe 5 minutes.  I reached my largest last spring.  492!!!!!!  I am mortified to share that info.   I reached this unfortunate number after a surgery to correct a bunion.  I was on crutches for 3 months and couldn't seem to recover.  My foot healed but the weight brought many more complications.  Yes!  You can guess.  High blood pressure, back injuries, sleeping issues and I even started to abuse alcohol to fight the pain, which as you know is a double edge sword. 

Let me catch you up on the juice fast.  Days 1-3 were living hell.  I was hungry, fatigued, irratible and aggitated.  I was an all around joy to stand in my presence!!  Yeah right!!  I'm a teacher, so thank God for summer vacation!!  I was able to seclude myself and go through the worst phase without subjecting others to my rants and raves!  I didn't mess around.  I hit the serious juice from the beginning.  I didn't ease into it with fruity concocotions.  I went straight for the super juices.  Which means very strong and unfamiliar, less appealing tastes.  Let's be real!  I could barely choke them down.  The flavors were repulsive.  The combinations of kale, spinach, celery, cucumber, apple, lemon and ginger confused my tastebuds.  But, I powered through because I knew this is what it was going to take to heal my body. 

Since the first three days, I have experiemented with combinations and ratios.  To be quite honest, the juice that repulsed me to begin with is my staple juice.  I could add a grapefuit to anything and make it enjoyable!!  I can't believe how much my tastebuds have come alive and evolved.  Those juices that disgusted me, now taste delicious!!  When I taste them, I taste life and energy.  I can almost feel each sip renew, refresh and heal my body.   The hunger pangs have all but disappeared!!  They are replace with a feeling of peace.  I truly believe that you can't heal the body with out healing the soul. 

I have ankles again!!!  I am no longer retaining riduculous amounts of fluid.  My skin has a healthy glow.  My eyes shine!!  I have a spring in my step and my entire outlook has changed for the good!!!

Until next time,


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