Monday, November 7, 2011

It's been a long time!!

Hey all!! It's been a while. So much has happened to me. The current weight loss is 125pds! Woo hoo!! Last night I wrote a long update and it didn't post. Ugh! Mre later when I am more lucid!!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor Day

it's Labor Day!!! It beautiful out! I love these crisp cool days. I know we will have a few more hot days but, fall is just around the corner. Sweaters, pumpkin patches, bike rides in the changing colors. Ahhhh Weight loss update!!! As of today I have lost a total of 82 pounds in 43 days!!!!! I feel incredible!!! juicing is amazing!!!!!! This past saturday, hung out with a fellow raw foodie who just happens to be a friend from high school that I reconnected with through raw food and Facebook. We met at Natures Pantry and she helped me shop to make a couple of raw recipes. She even hooked me up on sprouting my own seeds. My broccoli seeds are on day two of sprouting and I can already see the little sprouts peeking through the hull!!! Exciting!!! Next I went to see my brother before he left for Panama City Beach. He is going there to train to be a pro MMA fighter. I am so proud of him. He is so passionate about this sport. I'm glad he found something that makes him spin. Anyway, there was tons of food at the going away party. (Like always with my family) I took a spinach salad with raw balsamic dressing. My family seeing me eating only vegetables started a big conversation about food today. You know the one, how the chickens are genetically engineered to have bigger breasts. I of course took that opportunity to share some of my new knowledge about going organic and why we should not eat meat. I tried not to sound "preachy." This conversation happened while my family was eating pizza and brownies with ice cream. Then washed down with an assortment of sodas. Yesterday I prepared 4 different raw recipes. I made kimchi, raw cashew alfredo, marinara sauce with sun dried tomatoes and zucchini hummus also with sun dried tomatoes. I am set for the week. I know I made way to much. I mean, really!! I am still drinking juice all day and only having one raw meal a day. Btw, I decided to another 30 day juice fast starting September 22nd. This time I will be doing it with a group of people from the Kansas City Raw Food Union. If you are not a member, check them out on Facebook. Ok, off to shower and have an incredible day!!!!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

The dark side of my moon!!

Man!!!  The start of school has been a whirlwind!!!  I can't believe it is September 1st already!!!  It has been ten days since my last post.  So much has happened.  I don't know where to begin.  (Warning!!!  Procede at you own risk!!) Well, let me start from the end.  My "back end" that is!! Last Saturday I had my first ever colonic.  Yes, you read right!!  I said it!!  Colonic!!!  I got power washed on the inside!!  I'm on my way to a sparkley, like new colon.  I was so nervous!  I could just imagine how it was going to play out.  I have seen Johnny Knoxville get one on his show as well as Margaret Cho.  Frank in the documentary "May I be Frank?" got one.  I was just sure I was going to be laying on my side and the cute little "colonic girl" was going to have to lift up my substantial butt cheek and get a glimpse of the dark side of my moon!!! Although the colonic girl would be experienced in matters of the butt, I was just sure that mine would be more horrifying than anything she had seen before.  The "Ass from the black lagoon" horrifying!!  The story in my mind continues.  I could only imagine that after colonic girl shoved a healthy size tube up my nether region and then recovered from the shock of seeing things that she could not "unsee," she would put on a mask and let the power washing begin.  I worried that she would be standing there witnessing the steady trail of things exiting my body that I had consumed in the past.  The penny I ate when I was two, my sisters Barbie shoe when I was four, the gum I swallowed in middle school and the tequilla worms I ate in college.  Then she would ask me to get dressed and take my picture to add to the plaque reserved for those patrons who were truly "full of it!!!" 

Well!!  It wasn't like that at all!!!!!  Colonic girl left me alone to arrange the tube and get saddled up!!  The table was kind of like riding a horse.  Well, a horse that you could lay down on.  I covered up, she came back in, turned on the water and left me to do my business.  Afterward I truly felt clean!!  Inside and out!!!!  Although I didn't see a Barbie shoe, I was shocked.  Just when I thought I was done, it kept coming!!  I truly was "full of it!!"  I lost 5 more pounds!!!  A total of 75!!!!!!  Yay! 

Sunday, August 21, 2011

My trip to the ER

Well.... I had a fever yesterday. Along with the the fever came body aches and chills. I still think it was just he flu however today i noticed an ominous red line that had travelled up my shin. My aunt is sure it is blood poisoning. So, being a child of the 20th century, I confirmed it with "ask a nurse." Which brings me to the present, sitting on a hospital bed in the ER. I have all these thoughts running through my head. If I have to go on IV antibiotics will it ruin all the progress that I have made detoxing? However, if I don't, will I lose my leg? How far do I go with natural healing? When do I let the doctors take over? What will my "crystal waving friends" think? But, I drank my juice and here I sit in the ER!! And, I am missing movie day with my friend!!! Dammit!!!

I would like to mention that even with the fever and the leg pain, I have not been temped to step away from the juice. Quite the contrary. I was even more determined to be steadfast!!! I know for a fact that I wouldn't have recovered nearly as fast from the fever etc. if I had not been juicing. I am truly reaping the benefits of all the healthy nutrients that I am getting for the super foods!!! I've lost 60pds in 28 days and my blood pressure was 149/88. Just 2 months ago it was much higher and I was on medication!!!! Well, I better go. More poking and prodding to be done. Wish me luck!!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Old Urges and New Experiences!!

Wow!!  What a great day.  After a great nights sleep, I woke and was ready to take on the day.  I lost another 5pds, that is 60pds in 26 days!!!!!  I made a new favorite juice.  Celery, spinach, cucumber, tomato, carrot, cilantro, jalepeno, red onion and garlic.  It's like a green V8.  Then cleaned my kitchen top to bottom.  cleared out cabinets and pitched tons of stuff.  Found some things I have been looking for!!  Cleaned the bathroom.  Dusted and vaccumed!!  Wow!!  It has been a long time since I went crazy cleaning!! 

When I got dressed today, I didn't have to stretch my shirt out before I put it on!!!  And it's loose!!!!!  I went down another belt loop!!!  Another few pounds and I will be in the next size down shirt!!  AWESOME!!!

I got a call from a friend inviting me to see "The Change Up."  So I hopped in the car, pulled out the drive and ....... nothing.  I turned off the engine and started again went a few yards and again I lost power.  So I called my friend with the unfortunate news.  Hung up and tried the engine again!!  The car desides its going to be just fine so I text my friend to save a seat.  I get to the theater and am scanning the room.  She is nowhere to be found.  I text her.  You guessed it, I'm at the wrong theater!!!!  Oh well, I tried!!! I can't remember the last time I went to a movie alone.  I was fine with it.  Granted, I would have preferred to see the movie with my friend.  

After the movie I went to my friends house to hang on the deck.  This was a hard decision for me.  I have been avoiding the deck.  I always said, that if I had a deck I would be drunk all the time.  Well, that didn't stop me.  There is something about a deck that causes me to let loose.   Anyway, one of my friends was drinking beer and they both were smoking.  Surprisingly enough it wasn't the drinking that got me.  I had my virgin bloody mary(juice) and water.  It was the cigarettes.  I was craving a cigarette!!!  That is so unlike me.  I know if I had actually had one, I wouldn't have even enjoyed it, however this wierd craving was there.  I dismissed the thought rather quickly.  I can't imagine inhaling those poisons into this cleansed body.  Anyway, I had a great, relaxing time hanging out with people that I love.  We talked a mile a minute like always.  I know that I can handle it now.  It feels good to know that I have the strength to face the hard stuff.

I am excited and nervous about tomorrow!!  I am getting a deep tissue massage.  This is the first time I have ever had any sort of massage!!!  I am nervous about getting ticklish and I am super worried about stripping down.  I am also worried about the table collapsing while I am on it!!  At 425pds, I have to worry about that stuff.  I can't wait til that is not a factor anymore.  I will let you know how everything goes.  I am sure there will be a funny story or two.  I just hope there are no mortifying stories!!! 


Thursday, August 18, 2011

What a day!!

All day in meetings!!  I was productive and dialed in.  And now it is time for bed!!!  A little after 10pm!!!  I am accustomed to burning the midnight oil.  It feels good to be getting on a "normal" persons schedule. 

People asked about the juice all day today.  When I told them a little about it, the number one question was "Is that enough protein?"  To funny!  Yes!!! 

Today was the second time juicing for both myself and my friend.  Wow!!  That is a lot of produce!!  I am going to have to fill the fridge every three or four days!!  I love it though!!  So much fun!!  I love juicing.  It's like creating a piece of art.  Tomorrow I am juicing peaches and watermelon.  I want something different for my green juice.  I need to change that taste up.  I am getting bored with it.  Maybe I will make the savory gaspacho juice.  Cilantro, tomato, celery, cucumber, red onion, garlic, jalepeno, carrot, and a handful of 2 or 3 different greens.  Yum!!!!

This day 5 of body brushing!!  I highly recomend it.  The before and after of my skin is AMAZING!!!  My skin is so soft and smooth!!  That is not the only benefit of body brushing.  It activates the glands and detoxes your skin.  Makes sense to detox the biggest organ on the body.  After I get done brushing I shower off all the dry skin and rub organic coconut oil all over my skin.  Feels so good!!!  Check out the following video:

Tomorrow evening I am checking out a local Organic Farmers Market.  I hope it is worth the drive.  Wish me luck!! 

Good night!!!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The First Day Back to Work

Teachers eat A LOT!!!  It is the first day of teacher meetings.  What do I walk into?  A buffet of bacon...... wait a minute.  I was all ready to tell you about this huge buffet of food and I just realized that I didn't even really look at it!!!  I mean, I know it was there but I didn't even look!!!  I know bacon was on it because someone said it was.  The only thing that I noticed was the big bowl of fruit.  It had cut up cantaloupe, honey dew, grapes and strawberries.  I know exactly what fruit was in the bowl but not even a clue what was on the buffet.  AWESOME!!!!!!  In the past, I would have sat there and obsessed about that DAMN buffet.  Resentful that I was "depriving" myself!!  This is huge.  I want to be this way forever.  Now that I think about it, I went out to eat with friends last week and just drank water.  They ordered their food and ate and I was completely fine just drinking water.  If I am delusional, I want to stay that way.  If I am kidding myself, I want to keep that wool over my eyes. Because this feels great!!!!

Tonight I am going on another bike ride with the family.  So excited to breath hard and break a sweat!!  I had to take a couple of days off, due to a situation with my rear end and the seat.  Those seats are not made for people of my girth!!  That my friends is an understatement!!!   Wish me luck!!

My friend that started the juice has been keeping me updated via text.  She loved the cantaloupe juice and is getting into the mean green juice.  I am so excited for her.  Her head is in a good place.  It is nice to have someone else to take this journey with. 

Well I'm off!  Going to the bike shop to check and see if they have something similar to a recliner to use as a bike seat!!!  Lol!!  Wouldn't that be awesome!!!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Juicing Tonight

Tonight I did some juicing big time!!!!  My best friend in the whole wide world has decided to join the juice fast reboot!!  Yay!!!    I juiced enough to fill 7 quart jars!!!  Thats a lot of produce!!  What's on the menu?  I'm glad you asked!

Juice one was cantaloupe.  Mmmmmm delicious!!  This cantaloupe was huge.  It filled three quart jars. 

Juice two was Kale, spinach, parsley, celery, cucumber, carrot, apple, lemon and ginger.  Lot's of apples because tomorrow will be my friends first day.  I am so excited for her.  She is really going to get to know her body in a whole different way. 

Tomorrow is the first day back to work after a great summer.  We have a full week of teachers workshops before the kids arrive.  I am really looking forward to the school year.  I feel like a brand new person.  I have just been floating for such a long time.  I can't wait to really "be present!!"  In the moment, truly living and participating in life!!!!

Good night!!

In my Dreams!

Last night I dreamed that I went through the drive thru and ordered a sausage biscuit.  In my dream, I remember having this huge debate with myself on whether I should eat it or not.  The devil said, "Go ahead, it's just one biscuit!"  The angel said, "But just think how sick you will feel! Why jeopardize all your progress?"  The devil, "It's delicious! You need the protein!"  The angel, "What about the documentary you watched on processed food?  Anyway, you are getting plenty of protein!"  I woke up before I made the decision.  But I know, in my waking hours, I choose NO!!  I am NOT going to put that stuff in my newly cleansed body!  My body is now a clean slate, what I put into it is what I will get out of it!  If I feed it junk, I will get junk!  If I feed it life, I will get life!  I CHOOSE LIFE!!!

Every morning when I wake up and every night before I fall asleep, I recite the following:

I Jim, do love me. My bodies vigor and harmony.  I am perfect health, radiant beauty and divine energy. I now hold in my mind this new image of myself, as a thriving, flourishing and gloriously beautiful person.

I got that from the documentary "May I be Frank."  If you haven't seen it, check it out.  Here is the synopsis:

Frank Ferrante is 54, weighs 290lbs., had a lifetime of drug & alcohol abuse and as a result contracted Hepatitis-C. He's on multiple medications including anti-depressants, undergoing chemo and drinks 10 espressos a day to stay awake. One day Frank stumbles into Cafe Gratitude, a Raw food café in San Francisco, and meets Ryland, the café's manager. Ryland asks Frank, what is one thing you'd like to do before you die? Frank answers 'I want to fall in love one more time, but with a body like this, no one will love me, because i don't love myself.' Watch as Ryland, his brother Cary and best friend Conor, help Frank take on his weight, health, relationships and loving himself in just 42 days.

I guess one of the reasons that documentary was so powerful for me was because in a lot of ways I can relate to Frank.  I was abusing alcohol, prescription drugs, drinking 2 pots of coffee a day and living through the drive thru.  That's NOT living!!!  I can honestly say that after juicing for the past 22 days, I have no desire to drink alcohol.  Juicing truly reboots your system.  I am so grateful!!  I thank God for my healing of body and soul!!  I want everyone to experience this bliss!! 

Well I'm off to juice for the day!!  Until next time!!

Monday, August 15, 2011

I've lost 53 pounds in 22 days!!!

Wow!!  I can't believe it!!  It is now the end of day 22 of my 92 day juice fast.  I feel incredible!!!  I have lost a total of 53 pounds and I have more energy now than I ever have.  This is my first post.  I just decided that I want to write about whats happening to my mind and body.  Juicing is healing my body.  It is my hope that writing will help me with some emotional healing.

Whoa!!  Maybe I should tell you about myself and my situation.  I have taught music for the past 20 years.  I currently teach in the Kansas City area at a local elementary school.  I have an incredible 12 year old son and two awesome dogs.  Up til about 3 1/2 years ago, I was a high impact step aerobics instructor at the local Golds Gym.  I had been teaching aerobics off and on for 10 years leading up to that time.  I have always struggled with my weight.  I am 6 foot 2 inches with an extra large frame.  I have never, in my whole entire life been the suggested weight for my height.  They suggest that I weigh 198-202.  The closest I ever came to that was 275 pounds in college.  I was only able to stay that weight for maybe 5 minutes.  I reached my largest last spring.  492!!!!!!  I am mortified to share that info.   I reached this unfortunate number after a surgery to correct a bunion.  I was on crutches for 3 months and couldn't seem to recover.  My foot healed but the weight brought many more complications.  Yes!  You can guess.  High blood pressure, back injuries, sleeping issues and I even started to abuse alcohol to fight the pain, which as you know is a double edge sword. 

Let me catch you up on the juice fast.  Days 1-3 were living hell.  I was hungry, fatigued, irratible and aggitated.  I was an all around joy to stand in my presence!!  Yeah right!!  I'm a teacher, so thank God for summer vacation!!  I was able to seclude myself and go through the worst phase without subjecting others to my rants and raves!  I didn't mess around.  I hit the serious juice from the beginning.  I didn't ease into it with fruity concocotions.  I went straight for the super juices.  Which means very strong and unfamiliar, less appealing tastes.  Let's be real!  I could barely choke them down.  The flavors were repulsive.  The combinations of kale, spinach, celery, cucumber, apple, lemon and ginger confused my tastebuds.  But, I powered through because I knew this is what it was going to take to heal my body. 

Since the first three days, I have experiemented with combinations and ratios.  To be quite honest, the juice that repulsed me to begin with is my staple juice.  I could add a grapefuit to anything and make it enjoyable!!  I can't believe how much my tastebuds have come alive and evolved.  Those juices that disgusted me, now taste delicious!!  When I taste them, I taste life and energy.  I can almost feel each sip renew, refresh and heal my body.   The hunger pangs have all but disappeared!!  They are replace with a feeling of peace.  I truly believe that you can't heal the body with out healing the soul. 

I have ankles again!!!  I am no longer retaining riduculous amounts of fluid.  My skin has a healthy glow.  My eyes shine!!  I have a spring in my step and my entire outlook has changed for the good!!!

Until next time,
